To initiate a return, please reach out to us at within 14 days of receiving your order. Kindly provide the following information:
- Order Number (e.g., #SX-12345)
- List of items you wish to return
- Reason for the return
Please note that the customer is responsible for covering the cost of postage, packaging, and insurance for returning the goods. The items must be received in perfect condition and in their original packaging.
Should the goods not be returned in perfect condition and their original packaging, StrengthX reserves the right to decline acceptance at our warehouse and may withhold a refund or credit. The customer will be responsible for any redelivery costs.
Regrettably, due to hygiene concerns, we cannot accept order cancellations for specific products once they have been 'unsealed.' These products include massage guns, massage chairs, heart rate monitors, boxing bags, and boxing accessories. Exceptions also apply to all 'custom made,' 'bespoke,' and 'refurbished' equipment purchases.
Your query will be reviewed, and if deemed appropriate, we will authorse the return and provide you with instructions on the next steps. Please refrain from shipping the goods to our head office until you receive confirmation of the return address following authorisation.
Please be aware that returns require prior approval from StrengthX. Any promotional items received with your original purchase must also be returned in full or paid for.
For your peace of mind, we recommend using a registered service when returning any items.
Once we receive and thoroughly inspect the returned goods at our warehouse, your refund will be processed in accordance with the aforementioned terms.